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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

unit two- Romanticism and Transcnedentalism

ELAALRL2 The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of theme in a work of American literature and provides evidence from the work to support understanding.

1. the them of is American Literature, and i would notice it if i saw it. the reader see's what he or she is reading and takes supporting sentences to understand what they are reading. How would i kno it if i saw it while reading? after i read the sentence that i couldnt understand there would be clues around the sentence to help me understand it.

2.The Romantics believed there were higher truths than reason and logic, and they felt this could be accomplished by listening to one’s heart, or using one’s imagination to reach better places than where they were physically.
Example: in the story Rip Van Winkle i saw elf's and he discribes them (
On entering the amphitheatre, new objects of wonder presented
themselves. On a level spot in the centre was a company of odd-looking
personages playing at nine-pins. They were dressed in quaint outlandish
fashion; some wore short doublets, others jerkins, with long knives in their
belts, and most of them had enormous breeches, of similar style with that
of the guide’s. Their visages, too, were peculiar; one had a large head,
broad face, and small piggish eyes; the face of another seemed to consist
entirely of nose, and was surmounted by a white sugar-loaf hat, set off
with a little red cock’s tail. They all had beards, of various shapes and
colors. There was one who seemed to be the commander. He was a stout
old gentleman, with a weather-beaten countenance; he wore a laced
doublet, broad belt and hanger, high-crowned hat and feather, red
stockings, and high-heeled shoes, with roses in them. The whole group
reminded Rip of the figures in an old Flemish painting, in the parlor of
Dominie Van Schaick, the village parson, and which had been brought
over from Holland at the time of the settlement.)
-i used this example because its gives you an idea of what using your imagination can convey romatic ideas.

Many people around the world thought Americans were unsophisticated and stupid, and the Rationalists tried very hard to prove that this was unfair and untrue. Romantics, on the other hand, told stories of ordinary people, like Rip Van Winkle or Natty Bumppo who were unsophisticated and were able to rise to the level of hero
If left to himself, he would have
whistled life away in perfect contentment; but his wife kept continually
dinning in his ears about his idleness, his carelessness, and the ruin he was
bringing on his family.
-him being lazy shows that he never tried to do anything with his life, so it made him seem unsophisticated.

Romantics also focused on nature in their writing since they thought it was a way to escape from the loud city, as well as a way to hear ones intuition.
Example:As they ascended, Rip every now and then heard long
rolling peals, like distant thunder, that seemed to issue out of a deep
ravine, or rather cleft, between lofty rocks, toward which their rugged path
conducted. He paused for an instant, but supposing it to be the muttering of
one of those transient thunder-showers which often take place in the
mountain heights, he proceeded. Passing through the ravine, they came to
a hollow, like a small amphitheatre, surrounded by perpendicular
precipices, over the brinks of which impending trees shot their branches,
so that you only caught glimpses of the azure sky, and the bright evening
-in this paragragh it describes his look on nature as he passed through the woods near the mountains, and it made it sound beautiful in his point of view.

3. imagination was used in the poem in the stanza: of the last bitter hours come like a blight over thy spirit, and sad images of the agony,...

- i used this because you have to use your imagination when the sky is talking to you.

celebration of nature: yet few days, and thee the all-beholding sun shall see no more in all his course:...

-i used this because it describes nature in a beautiful way.

promotion of common people: thou shalt lie down with patriachs of the infant world--with kings, the powerful of the earth....

- i used this stanza because it talks about how when you die you will be up on a higher posts with kings, and how you will no longer be a common person.

ELAALRL1 The student demonstrates comprehension by identifying evidence (i.e., examples of diction, imagery, point of view, figurative language, symbolism, plot events and main ideas) in a variety of texts representative of different genres (i.e., poetry, prose [short story, novel, essay, editorial, biography], and drama) and using this evidence as the basis for interpretation.

-when i read Rip Van Winkle i had to use this standard because he used alot of imaginary in the story while discribing the elfs.

ELAALRL2 The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of theme in a work of American literature and provides evidence from the work to support understanding.

-everything that i have read so far has to do with american literature so this standard is always used.

ELAALRL3 The student deepens understanding of literary works by relating them to their contemporary context or historical background, as well as to works from other time periods.

-when i read Ben Franklins story it had to do with this standard.


5.my interpretations of the story is that he is saying that everyone needs to get away sometimes and the best way to get away from the world is to go into the world of nature, and he is telling the truth beacause when i was pregnant when i get mad and hormons start to kick i use to go take a walk to calm myself down. i think that this story was good but hard to understand. to reflect apon your self and actions you have to take a break from your routines and let nature take its course.

6. it was a good example of how the transcendentalist thought, and how nature can calm a person god made nature so if you were having a problem and you go out into the nature go will speak to you and calm you down. when he shines the sunlight upon you he is talking to you.

Example: The sun illuminates on the eye of man, but shines into the eye and the heart of a child.(Emerson pg 191)


5. I liked the story, i think that it talks about how everyone has a voice in there heads that tell them what to do. Not everyone follows and understands the voice, sometimes they ignor it. it remindes me of church and how when the preacher is giving the word sometimes everyone cant understand what he is interpreting so they ignor it.

6.this story pertains to how people should be alert on god talking to them and understanding what is being said, and if he says anything that is important then they should let everyone know and not be ashamed of being called "Wrong."

Example: These are the voices which we hear in solitude, but they grow faint and inaudible as we enter into the world......(Emerson pg 194)

7. this video pertains to transcnedentalism because he worked and made a living in the wilderness of nature for thirty years, and he also went on the mountain and he was talking bout how if he fell he would go straight to god.

example:The Transcendentalists were Romantics who adopted philosophies from many other places and cultures. They believed that the individual human mind was one of the most powerful instruments in the world, and that the individual mind was connected to all others through what was known as the "oversoul", a collection of everyone's soul that we all share.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

unit 1 Native American and Colonial Periods

ELAALRL3 The student deepens understanding of literary works by relating them to their contemporary context or historical background, as well as to works from other time periods.

"So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart.Trouble no one about their religion; Respect others in their view, and Demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life,Beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long andIts purpose in the service of your people.
Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend,Even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and Bow to none. When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the food andFor the joy of living.
If you see no reason for giving thanks,The fault lies only in yourself. Abuse no one and no living thing,For abuse turns the wise ones to foolsand robs the spirit of its vision.
When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose heartsAre filled with fear of death, so that when their time comesThey weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over againIn a different way. Sing your death song anddie like a hero going home."

-i really enjoyed the poem, i understood what was going on. it didnt take long to interpret it in my own words.

-the first paragraph is talking about how you cannot prepare yourself for death, you should always live life like there is no tomorrow. it also interprets dont be disrespectful to others, treat them how you would want to be treated cause it will be viewed later on in life. never fear death!

-the second paragraph says to acknowledge everyone you see cause one day you will all live together above, and to give thanks to the man above for everything that he gives you.

-the third paragraph says if you want to disobey giving thanks to the man above, break the rules of the bible, then its on you. it hurts gods belifes though.

-the forth paragraph interprets when its your time to go dont be scared of what sins you have commited.

-the whole summery of the poem is dont be a sinner cause when you die, you cant ask god to give you more time to live so you can change the way yoou lived in the past, cause there wont be another chance to change, so do it right the first time.

*My poem and the video are simular because they are both talking about not being afraid to die, because of your sins that you have commited. The diffrence is that mine was telling you to pray for the good things that god gives you on an everyday basis, and you will be blessed, for example: Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend,Even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and Bow to none. When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the food andFor the joy of living. The video says no matter what you do you are still a sinner, and go will send you where he thinks you should go. for example:"natural men are held in the hands of god over the pit of hell, they have deserved the firey pit".

ALRL5 The student understands and acquires new vocabulary and uses it correctly in reading and writing.

-Total Depravity(every one is born in sin no matter what happens), Unconditional Election(god saves his favorites), Limited Atonement(god died for his favorites), Preserverance of the "saints"
(people chosen by god can understand what he wants to happen in everyones life). Age of Reason, and the Age of Rationalism( an explination for why god is responsible for everything),Deism( ideas dont revolve around religion).

*puritans think that every man is essentially evil, and rationalist think that every man is good. purtians think that god decieded who had certan rights, and rationalists belived that god treats everyone the same. i see the age of reason and rationalism in the world today with diffrent religions.

*he used thirteen diffrent steps to improve his lifestyle and how he acted. he couldnt do them all at once so he did them one at a time, and took note of all thirteen diffrent steps which had all of the days of the week on it and all of the colums started off with the first letter of the thirteen steps. this helped.* i judged it would be well not to distract my attention by attempting the whole at once but to fix it on one ot them at a time; and, when i should be master of that, then to proceed to another, and so on, til i should have gone through the thirteen; and, as the previous acquistion of certain others, i arranged them with that view, as the stand above.*he is a rationalist because he used an an experiment, and logic to improve himself insted of asking god to do it for him.

*Silence- speak not but what may benifit others and yourself, Cleanliness- tolerate no uncleanliness body, Language- learn more laguages to help me in the future, Knowledge- learn more about the world, Frugality- make no expense but to do good to others or yourself, Organized- be more organized in everything, Cursing- stop using bad language, Moving On- stop letting others come back in my life, Smoking- put down the cigarettes, Empoyement- find a job, Being Nice- be more nice to others, Attitude- work on my attitude to others that care about me.

ELAALRL1 The student demonstrates comprehension by identifying evidence (i.e., examples of diction, imagery, point of view, figurative language, symbolism, plot events and main ideas) in a variety of texts representative of different genres (i.e., poetry, prose [short story, novel, essay, editorial, biography], and drama) and using this evidence as the basis for interpretation.ELAALRL3 The student deepens understanding of literary works by relating them to their contemporary context or historical background, as well as to works from other time periods.

*ELAALRL1- how i used the standard is, i took words that i didnt understand out of what i was reading, and found out what the words ment to understand what i was reading or interpreting.

*ELAALRL3- when i read The Autobiography i had to take his historically written words and, make the virtues that i would use for myself as a present list.

Georgia Performance Standards

ELAALRL1 The student demonstrates comprehension by identifying evidence (i.e., examples of diction, imagery, point of view, figurative language, symbolism, plot events and main ideas) in a variety of texts representative of different genres (i.e., poetry, prose [short story, novel, essay, editorial, biography], and drama) and using this evidence as the basis for interpretation

Each student identify's evidence diffrently in a paragraph, to figure out whats going on, so that the can understand what they are reading. It is important because if you understand what the clues are in the paragraph then you will have a better understanding of everything that you read, and it will help you greatly.